Tuesday, December 21, 2010
to get revenge - My boss fired me, but I got revenge by burning down his house.
to get someone back - The little boy called me bad names, but I got him back by pushing him in the mud.
to get even - I have to get even with Timmy for slashing my bike tires.
to pay someone back - My brother stole my wife, so I paid him back by poisoning him.
Common Expressions
"It's payback time." - Meaning: It's time to get revenge.
"Revenge is a dish best served cold." - Meaning: Revenge is best when it's cruel.
"Don't get mad. Get even!" - Meaning: It's better to get revenge than be angry.
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Truth
A half truth is a statement that is true, but it neglects an important piece of information. A half truth is, therefore, a misleading truth. For example, Kevin has a wife who doesn't like his smoking. He promised her that he would quit. One night, he went to the bar with his friends. He smoked a few cigarettes outside the bar. When he comes home, his wife smells smoke. She asks, "Were you smoking at the bar with your friends?" He answers, "No, I didn't smoke at the bar." However, he smoked outside of the bar, and he didn't tell his wife. This is a half truth.
To tell you the truth or Truth be told is an expression said before telling an unpleasant or difficult truth. Someone usually asks a question, and what follows is an unpleasant answer.
#1) Wife: "Do you want me to cook pasta tonight?" Husband: "To tell you the truth, I don't like your pasta."
#2) Ex-boyfriend: "Why did you break up with me?" Ex-girlfriend: "Truth be told, I wasn't sexually interested in you."
To be true to someone means to be loyal or faithful to someone.
Example: Daniel is true to his friends, showing all of them loyalty and respect. That's why his relationships are so strong.
To be untrue to someone means to be disloyal or unfaithful to someone, usually it means cheating on your spouse or lover.
Example: She accused me of being untrue to her, but I found out she was the one that cheated on me.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Example: #1) My wife stopped me from quitting my job by reminding me of the poor job market. #2) I kept my best friend from making a big mistake.
to prevent something
Example: The hero prevented a robbery by tackling the robber.
to hold someone back -- to prevent someone from doing something, positive or negative.
Example: #1) I wanted to punch the guy, but my friends held me back. #2) I dream of world travel, but my family is holding me back.
to be tied down -- to be connected to something/someone that keeps you from doing something, probably related to a relationship or marriage.
Example: He is hesitant to get married because he doesn't want to be tied down.
to be tied up with something-- to be busy with something that prevents you from doing other things.
Example: I would love to help you, but I'm tied up with work at the moment.
"My hands are tied." -- "There's nothing I can do."
Example: Even though I don't like the decision, it came from the boss. My hands are tied.