Monday, July 5, 2010

Water Idioms and Expressions

Honestly, I don't like the study of idioms. On average, native English speakers don't use them very often. It's usually reserved for written English, and using them in normal conversation is unnatural. All the same, I will write about idioms once in a while. Furthermore, I promise you: THE IDIOMS I WRITE ABOUT WILL BE USEFUL.

The first ones I discuss will be about water:

#1) a fish out of water - someone who finds themselves in an unnatural setting; someone who is out of their element

example: #1) Rupert is a typical guy, who likes sports and going out with his friends. Whenever he meets his in-laws, he has to be polite. He's like a fish out of water. #2) I'm trying to fit into a regular job, but I feel like a fish out of water.

#2) to keep your head above water - to survive a challenging situation

example: #1) My work is piling up, and I'm desperately trying to keep my head above water. #2) Please don't ask me for any favors. I'm barely keeping my head above water.

#3) watered down - diluted and less potent

example: #1) My whiskey is watered down. Get me a strong drink! #2) The director made a very edgy and controversial film. Then, the film studio got a hold of it and watered it down. #3) You changed my article, and made it into a watered down version.

#4) to tread water - a.) to stay in one place in a body of water by kicking your legs quickly. b.) to do strenuous activity but still not be productive

example a: I can tread water for 15 minutes before my legs get tired.
example b: We all want to make progress in the workplace, but we're only treading water.

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