Sunday, February 19, 2012

Apparently / Evidently / It seems...

There are some words in English that are used when pieces of information lead to a conclusion that wasn't immediately clear, or a reality you were unaware of initially. Three common terms for this are: apparently, evidently, it seems

Apparently and Evidently are synonymous. You can use them the same way.


#1) My husband told me he was working late, but I called his office and he wasn't there. Apparently, he went to his coworker's house to play poker, but he didn't want to tell me.

#2) I went to the liquor cabinet to get a drink and there was a bottle of gin missing. Apparently, my kids have been stealing my alcohol because I found an empty gin bottle underneath their mattress.

#3) I told my best friend a secret and she told my parents. Evidently, I can't trust her.

#4) My doctor told me fast food is healthy. Evidently, he never went to medical school.

It seems is similar, but it is used when a conclusion is only probable.


#1) My son has been eating his own hair again. It seems he has gone crazy.

#2) My wife doesn't arouse me anymore. It seems we will never have children.

#3) There is a nuclear disaster in the East. The temperature is dropping and the sun is the color of blood. It seems the world is ending.

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