Sunday, May 13, 2012

Widespread (Dis)approval

There have been elections throughout Europe this Spring and there will be a big election in the United States this Fall. If you want to discuss public opinion in English, you need to know the terms for approval and disapproval. Brief explanations follow each example.


#1) The approval rating for the president has reached 88%, which is a new high. (very good)

#2) The approval rating for congress has reached 9%, which is a new low. (very bad)

#3) The law to legalize pot was met with widespread approval. (well liked)

#4) The law that would allow infants to carry handguns was met with widespread disapproval. (much disliked)

#5) The public is for new laws regulating food safety. (support)

#6) The people are against going to war with Vatican City. (don't support)

#7) The people are rallying for measures to limit government spending. (acting to support)

#8) The public is rallying against the law that prevents gay couples from adopting pets. (acting to stop)

#9) Voter turnout is very high this year. (number of voters)

#10) Voters are turning out in record numbers. (Voters are voting...)

#11) The new government is wildly unpopular and there have been many demonstrations. (much disliked)

#12) The positive/negative response to the Kittens for Criminals program has been unprecedented. (previously unknown; can be good or bad)

#13) The capable government is highly praised by all its citizens for its cooperation and interest in public welfare. (much liked and talked about)

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