Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Word Up

The word "word" is most commonly used as a noun, but it can also be used as a verb. To Word  means to make an arrangement words to form a phrase/sentence. There is also the verb to reword / rephrase, which means to word a phrase differently than you had. And wording refers to how a phrase is worded within a phrase. To choose one's words is a synonym of to word.


#1) He worded the sentence strangely because he wanted the meaning to be vague.

#2) Is there another way I can word this sentence?

#3) She stopped speaking and quickly reworded the sentence to make herself look innocent.

#4) He reworded some sentences in the report to give more information.

#5) Would you like to rephrase that last sentence?

#6) Let me rephrase that.

#7) The wording in his letter was very unclear.

#8) The wording is precise in most court documents.

#9) Lawyers have to choose their words carefully in a court case.

#10) I have to say something important it and I should choose my words carefully.

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