Sunday, February 26, 2012

5 Common "If...not" Expressions

#1) If you don't love yourself, nobody will. (Advice for someone with self-pity)

#2) If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. (Advice for someone who recently failed)

#3) If I can't have you, nobody can. (Threat from a rejected lover)

#4) If you don't have your health, you don't have anything. (Advice for someone who should live healthier)

#5) If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. (Advice for someone who just said something unkind)

Otherwise / Likewise

Otherwise is a word describing what will happen if the prior statement doesn't happen or isn't true.


#1) I need to find a job this month. Otherwise, I will run out of money and have to live on the streets.
#2) You have to tell the truth. Otherwise, your conscience will never let you rest.
#3) I believe my girlfriend has been honest with me. Otherwise, I can never trust anybody again.
#4) Eat all of your vegetables. Otherwise, you won't get dessert.
#5) Say you're sorry. Otherwise, you have to find a new best friend.

Likewise restates a truth that applies to another thing or another person's perspective.


#1) "Nice to meet you." ~ "Likewise."
#2) Mariam is very good at her job. Likewise, Patricia is talented in this job and has years of experience.
#3) Paris has many toursits. Likewise, many people come to Istanbul to visit.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Apparently / Evidently / It seems...

There are some words in English that are used when pieces of information lead to a conclusion that wasn't immediately clear, or a reality you were unaware of initially. Three common terms for this are: apparently, evidently, it seems

Apparently and Evidently are synonymous. You can use them the same way.


#1) My husband told me he was working late, but I called his office and he wasn't there. Apparently, he went to his coworker's house to play poker, but he didn't want to tell me.

#2) I went to the liquor cabinet to get a drink and there was a bottle of gin missing. Apparently, my kids have been stealing my alcohol because I found an empty gin bottle underneath their mattress.

#3) I told my best friend a secret and she told my parents. Evidently, I can't trust her.

#4) My doctor told me fast food is healthy. Evidently, he never went to medical school.

It seems is similar, but it is used when a conclusion is only probable.


#1) My son has been eating his own hair again. It seems he has gone crazy.

#2) My wife doesn't arouse me anymore. It seems we will never have children.

#3) There is a nuclear disaster in the East. The temperature is dropping and the sun is the color of blood. It seems the world is ending.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Gender Neutrality

There are many job titles that were gender specific in the past, but modernly a woman or man can hold these jobs and therefore they have been given updated, gender neutral titles.

Homemaker (Housewife)

Flight Attendant (Air Hostess, Stewardess)

Firefighter (Fireman)

Police Officer (Policeman)

Sales Representative (Salesman)