Sunday, June 13, 2010

How do I...? How can I...?

Many English students use the phrase "how can I" to discuss ability, instructions or directions. In a question, this isn't incorrect, but it's certainly incorrect in the answer.

How can I fix my computer? (OK, but not preferred)
I don't know how can I fix my computer. (incorrect)

Since the uses for "can" are confusing to many people, it's best avoided wherever possible.

Correct Examples:
How do I fix my computer? (correct)
I don't know how to fix my computer. (correct)

#1) How do I get to the bank from here?
#2) I know how to swim, but I'm not very good at it.
#3) I don't know how to play the guitar, but I can play the piano.
#4) How do I make you love me?
#5) I don't know how to speak Chinese.
#6) I'm learning how to drive a car.

Practice using it.
It's the best way to learn.
~~Lance Powell


Color Scheme:
OK--but not preferred

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